A Crossroads of Cultures

The 10th edition of Eyes on Main Street launched on June 1st in Wilson, NC. For 100 days, 100 photographers from 39 countries will have their work displayed on 100 storefront windows, walls and buildings, spanning nine city blocks.
I’ve had the good fortune to participate in 3 of the 10 festivals that took place over the last decade, including this current exhibition. I must commend Jerome De Perlinghi, the curator and mastermind behind this initiative. The concept of this festival is a beautiful thing - to have photographers from all over the world contribute images that reflect what we see in our daily lives. The things that we might take for granted on the main streets of our towns, in our cities and communities. The images reflect both the extraordinary and the ordinary moments of daily life, which is one of the powers of photography.
I urge folks who might be traveling to North Carolina in the next 100 days (June 1, 2024 - September 9, 2024) to check out this exhibition and experience this creative use of photography that embodies some of the most powerful aspects of public art.
Learn more at https://www.eyesonmainstreetwilson.com/