As part of the ongoing global photographic project, 1in6by2030, myself and the team behind this project - Ilvy Njiokikjien, Sara Terry, Norah Tahiri and Annemarie van den Eijkel - are putting the finishing touches on our newest story prompt, Work or Retire?
We have received 58 stories from 28 countries across the world, with all photographers working on a voluntary basis. It’s quite inspiring to see so many photographers around the world producing work on an issue that impacts all of us for no compensation, only for the opportunity to engage with a subject, create a story, and be part of something bigger than themselves.
Workers over the age of 55 are set to equal one-quarter of the global labor force by the year 2030. Continuing to work, or to retire, can be a choice or a necessity, depending on a variety of factors. Through the various stories we’re presenting, we can learn the many different ways that our elders are finding meaning in both work and retirement. I urge you to take a look and see what it’s all about.
Featured Photos by: Ed Kashi, Morteza Nikoubazl, Justin Rominski, Maryna Syrovatka, Eric Bouvet, Lê Xuân Phong, Ryan Andrew, Nadezhda Ermakova , Bea Kovacs , Aya Chriki